Hyundai Accent Manuals

Hyundai Accent: 1. TCM Connector and Terminal Function - Transaxle Control Module (TCM). Schematic Diagrams - Automatic Transaxle Control System - Automatic Transaxle SystemHyundai Accent: 1. TCM Connector and Terminal Function

2. TCM Terminal Function

Transaxle Control Module (TCM). Schematic Diagrams

2. TCM Terminal Function
Connector [CHG-AA] Pin Description Pin Description 1 - 54 - 2 - ...

See also:

Accelerator Position Sensor (APS). Description and Operation
Description Accelerator Position Sensor (APS) is installed on the accelerator pedal module and detects the rotation angle of the accelerator pedal. The APS is one of the most important senso ...

Circuit Diagram

Floor mat anchor
When using a floor mat on the front floor carpet, make sure it attaches to the floor mat anchor(s) in your vehicle. This keeps the floor mat from sliding forward. WARNING The floor mat must be ...

Hyundai Accent Manuals

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