Hyundai Accent Manuals

Hyundai Accent: Economical operation - Driving your vehicleHyundai Accent: Economical operation

Your vehicle's fuel economy depends mainly on your style of driving, where you drive and when you drive.

Each of these factors affects how many miles (kilometers) you can get from a gallon (liter) of fuel. To operate your vehicle as economically as possible, use the following driving suggestions to help save money in both fuel and repairs:

Keeping a vehicle in good operating condition is important both for economy and safety. Therefore, have an authorized HYUNDAI dealer perform scheduled inspections and maintenance.

Never turn the engine off to coast down hills or anytime the vehicle is WARNING - Engine off during motion

Never turn the engine off to coast down hills or anytime the vehicle is in motion. The power steering and power brakes will not function properly without the engine running. Instead, keep the engine on and downshift to an appropriate gear for engine braking effect. In addition, turning off the ignition while driving could engage the steering wheel lock resulting in loss of vehicle steering which could cause serious injury or death.

Limitation of Active ECO operation
If the following conditions occur while Active ECO is operating, the system operation is limited even though there is no change in the ECO indicator. When the coolant temperature is low: The sys ...

Special driving conditions

See also:

System operation
Ventilation 1. Set the mode to the position. 2. Set the air intake control to the outside (fresh) air position. 3. Set the temperature control to the desired position. 4. Set the fan speed contro ...

Schematic Diagrams
Schematic Diagram Canister The Canister is filled with charcoal and absorbs evaporated fuel vapor from the fuel tank. The gathered fuel vapor in canister is drawn into the intake ma ...

If the engine overheats
If your temperature gauge indicates overheating, you experience a loss of power, or hear loud pinging or knocking, the engine is probably too hot. If this happens, you should: 1. Pull off the roa ...

Hyundai Accent Manuals

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