1. |
Engine fuel
- G : Gasoline
2. |
Engine range
- 4 : 4 cycle 4 cylinder
3. |
Engine development order and capacity
- F : Gamma engine (Gasoline)
4. |
Engine Capacity
- D : 1591cc (Gamma engine)
5. |
Production year
- B : 2011, C : 2012, D : 2013, E : 2014…
6. |
Plant of production
- A : Asan (Korea)
- B : Beijing (China)
- H : Hwasung (Korea)
- K : Montgomery (U.S.A)
- M : Chennai (India)
- P : Poseung (Korea)
- S : Sohari (Korea)
- T : Izmit (Turkey)
- U : Ulsan (Korea)
- W : Shandong (China)
- Z : Zilina (Slovakia)
- 1 : Yancheng (China)
7. |
Engine production sequence number
- 000001 ~ 999999
Release the residual pressure in fuel line (Refer
to “Release Residual Pressure in Fuel Line” in this group).
Remove the rear sea ...
Components and Components Location
Components Location
1. Torsion beam axle
2. Shock absorber
3. Coil spring assembly
4. Rear disc
Valve Body. Components and Components Location
Components Location
1. PCV adjust screw
2. Solenoid valve
3. Oil temperature sensor
4. Accumulator
5. Low & reverse brake(LR/B) pressure flow hole
6. Und ...