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Assembly code of plant
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Production year
- B : 2011, C : 2012, D : 2013, E : 2014…
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Plant of production
- U : Ulsan (Korea)
- J : Ostrava (Czech)
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Transaxle production sequence number
- 000001 ~ 999999
Install the hub bearing to the knuckle assembly.
Lay the knuckle assembly (A) on press.
Removable towing hook
1. Open the trunk lid/tailgate, and remove the towing hook from the tool case.
2. Remove the hole cover pressing the lower part of the cover on the bumper.
3. Install the towing hook by turning it ...
Manifold Absolute Pressure
Sensor (MAPS). Description and Operation
Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor (MAPS) is a speed-density
type sensor and is installed on the surge tank. It senses absolute pressure
of the surge tank and transfers the analog ...