Hyundai Accent Manuals

Hyundai Accent: Hydraulic System - Automatic Transaxle SystemHyundai Accent: Hydraulic System

1. Installation is the reverse of removal. If the oil seal on the transaxle case side is damaged a ...

Description and Operation
Description The hydraulic system consists of oil, an oil filter, an oil pump, and a valve body (valves and solenoid valves). The oil pump is powered by the engine. ATF passes through the oil ...

See also:

Schematic Diagrams
Circuit Diagram ...

Cup holder
WARNING - Hot liquids Do not place uncovered cups of hot liquid in the cup holder while the vehicle is in motion. If the hot liquid spills, you may burn yourself. Such a burn to the driver ...

Check Fuses
A blade type fuse test taps provided to allow checking the fuse itself without removing if from the fuse box. The fuse is good if the test lamp lights up when one lead is connected to the tes ...

Hyundai Accent Manuals

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